[-empyre-] the baby and the bathwater (message from Maria Moreira)

From Maria Moreira:


Some points still lingering in the mind

On interaction/collaboration:

Niklas Luhmann in his Art as Social System, refers to the creative
process as being an 'autopoetics closure that recognizes an outside',
this meaning the creative process is a self-reference/
hetero-reference dynamics that addresses the world as a questioning
surface and builds the work as its respondent.

Equally, the ethical opening up to the world, or recognition of an
outside, becomes the founding condition for the 'autopoetics closure'
to develop as speech, or act, that is itself a questioning presence
for other processes in the world.

Following, we could say that when any two creative systems are
interacting or collaborating they are not conjoining directly. Instead
they are doing so through a third term, which is the work being built
as respondent to the questioning world, by a constantly rectified
sequence of acts prone to misreading, mistakes and misunderstandings.

Or better saying, by a sequence of possible mistranslations, as this
is an act of three-way translation: world>creative processes, creative
processes>evolving work, and work>world, where the evolving work acts
as the translator between systems.

Maybe that could be a good way for interrogating works of digital
interactivity – by figuring out if and how far, as a third term
translator, the work acknowledges/ mistranslates the outside
questioning world, its wounds and needs.

On useful/ uncomfortable terms:

I find 'noiseless noise' a useful term to address contemporary life
daily experiences as for instance being a CCTV urban network unwilling

Yet, I feel uncomfortable with perceptual guerrilla' s military jargon
resonance. Wonder if it would not be a kind of negative futurism, with
a vision guiding actions in a reactive mode…

Maybe strategies of listening would work better as a way of extending
the dreamline of generous accessibility, research and sharing that was
there for instance in the infancy of the internet. And maybe those
strategies of listening are already being exercised in distraction
throughout the sonic output of the last decade or so.

Strategies of listening beyond silence, actually for opening up  mixed
conversations/ landscapes of collaboration/ responsive
interactions...and accommodating dissent and ambiguity, they could
even be fine-tuned to locate noiseless noises' hidden sources…

Cheers, Maria

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